Deborah Stollery
Personal Profile

Debbie’s passion for leadership development began early in her Catholic Christian life when asked to step in and keep a catechetical program running when it did not have a director. “Sure,” she said, certain there must be committed catechists, sound systems and structures, clergy support and parental involvement. How hard could it be? She soon learned what it takes to help ecclesial leaders be able to lead what she believes is the most important organization on earth: the Body of Christ, the Church.
Equipped with a Master’s in Organizational Communication from Regent University, where she also learned how to be an apologist, and how to teach herself and gather others to learn with her, Debbie began her journey: from temporary DRE, to university faculty, to full-time DRE, to part-time Diocesan Consultant for Leadership Development, to co-founder and lead consultant of ConSpirita Consulting Network, LLC and now to co-founder and President of the Pentecost Vigil Project, Inc. Throughout the journey, Debbie earned a Certificate in Pastoral Studies, became a diocesan subject matter expert in Christian Initiation and soon became known as the “leadership geek.”
As a teacher, a trained facilitator, a writer/blogger, a mentor and coach, a keynote speaker and workshop presenter, and as a committed ongoing learner herself, Debbie desires nothing other than to help equip those called to lead within the Body of Christ, cooperating with the Spirit to unleash the immense good Jesus desires from the Church.
Consulting Areas:
Leadership Development in the areas of
Foundations for synodality: courage, increasing trustworthiness, spiritual listening/theological reflection, preaching about and teaching synodality
Moving toward synodality: leading change, understanding elements of culture change, embracing conflict, discovering Ignatian spirituality, preparing synodal leaders
Implementing synodal practices: facilitating ongoing spiritual listening, designing synodal parish structures and systems, listening beyond the parish
Christian Initiation: Catching the vision and spirit of the Rite, Forming the community, Forming initiation leaders (coordinators, catechists, sponsors, godparents), Mystagogical catechesis (including Dismissal catechesis,ongoing mystagogy and designing the period of Mystagogy), Shifting to a year-round model, and Working with the already baptized
Geographic Regions for in-person work: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeastern US, Florida
Equipped and willing to serve English speaking clients using Zoom.