Our Partners on the Journey
We believe that synodality will take hold in the Church
when those who see its Wisdom choose to walk together.
Pastoral Ministers
Helping Pastoral Ministers
Our goal is to offer the best resources from across Catholic & Christian publishers at affordable prices.
We seek out pastoral ministers interested in having their original resources published as downloadable, reproducible eResources.
The mission of Ignatian Encounter Ministry is to provide experiences and training in practices of synodality and communal apostolic discernment to individuals and faith communities worldwide.
A Journal of Inquiry,
Reflection and Opinion
Today's American Catholic (TAC) seeks to promote religious dialogue and deepen the faith of its readers. TAC is produced by lay Catholics who share the conviction that tradition should develop in response to the needs of our time.
Nurturing the
Emerging Church
Our vision is to create a global network of Catholic reform and other Christian groups that actively embraces diversity and actively works to include groups marginalized by the hierarchial Church.