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Buy the Why!

Debbie Stollery

Thought leader Simon Sinek says that people buy your why...not your what. Not heard of him? Listen to his internationally famous TED talk here. His premise is folks want to support ideas and purchase products and services that align with their values and principles. I think he's right and you can help me know if my thinking is correct or if I need to re-think this.

So, here's our "Why" as the Pentecost Vigil Project:

  • The Church is not the best version of herself. She can and must undergo conversion to become so. We want to contribute.

  • Pope Francis' statement that the Spirit is leading the Church to become more synodal in the third millennium is prophetic and actionable. We want to participate.

  • The Church belongs to the Holy Spirit to lead and guide and all the rest of us are called to learn to discern the Spirit's will and then follow it. We are doing that. See our birth story here.

  • To become synodal is akin to becoming a Christian. We need a process of immersion into synodal practices, into synodal thought patterns, and into synodal prayer. And we, the early adopters, need support to do that. PVP is providing some of that early support through our digital platform, our products and services and our commitment to developing our own spirituality. We are contributing.

  • We can imagine the synodal Church, long for it to come to pass and are even now doing what we can to be the change we want to see. We are convinced and committed. And we want others to join us as together we learn how to listen to the Holy Spirit and respond with action. We are building relationships. We live in hope.

Do you share these perspectives? Do our "why's" for creating the Pentecost Vigil Project, Inc. to help unleash the Spirit of synodality resonate deep within? Do you see the reason for an organization like ours, committed to one idea only...advancing synodality in the Church in the US?

Do you want to participate along with us in these early days, creating resources, making spaces, opening conversations, building relationships, and learning along the way what this culture change looks like?

A simple way to support us as we support our Church is to donate to our Spring fundraiser! Choose now! Support unleashing the Spirit of synodality by helping us maintain and improve our technology platform! Donate here!

We are grateful. But more importantly, we remain committed to following the Holy Spirit in creating a more synodal Church. We hope you are, too!

Image created with the use of AI in the Wix platform.


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   The Pentecost Vigil Project, Inc., strives to follow the Holy Spirit's creative call within the context of the Catholic Church.
   At the same time, we are committed to providing an open table where all are welcome to share stories with dignity and respect.
   PVP is not responsible for the opinions expressed by individuals or organizations who participate on this website or for links to off-site content. Please use common sense and prayerful discernment when visiting this site or participating in the conversations. 

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