“I am just so thankful they are angry enough to stay in the conversation.” #participation
St. Augustine said “Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are."
And so began our leadership team conversation about things we are grateful for, right now, in November, 2022. After a comment that angry people are still engaged…whereas apathetic people are tough to reach at all, we moved on to other perspectives on the gift of gratitude:
Feeling supported and loved.
That the Pentecost Vigil Project, after just a year in existence, had a seat at the Region XVI table…the realization of one of our dreams from the beginning… a seat at the table.
For the US Synthesis and the Continental Phase working document…as evidence of what Pope Francis is saying: the posture for the Church is a listening posture.
For language with the potential to shape attitudes and actions, specifically that the Church cultivate a inclined heart and the wonderful image of humankind linked together, heart to heart.
For family.
For the emerging sense of hopefulness arising from the experience of listening and for the hope contained in the content of the syntheses from around the world.
That there is a renewed and persistent call for the Church to go to the margins, to listen, welcome, and learn…
For the understanding that the Church is both a place where the faithful gather to worship and apprentice the Christian life, and then to go forth to create spaces in the world where the love of Christ is seen, heard, felt and recognized.
I was busy taking notes during all of this and did not contribute at the time…so here’s what I am so grateful for: a group of people willing to work hard, for no pay right now, to listen to the Spirit’s call to “Unleash the Spirit of synodality” in the Church in the United States. To the Pentecost Vigil Project Leadership Team…thank you for giving me a chance to walk this synod journey with each of you!
Oh…and I’m always grateful for my grandchildren…who remind me that giggles, and games, and goldfish (the kind you eat out of a giant milk carton) are the grist of life!
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit, do not utterly reject prophecies, but examine everything; hold firmly to that which is good…
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-21